For the week of October 28, 2013:
There are currently 64 journeymen on book I, 58 journeymen on book II, as well as 11 Construction Electricians available for work.
-----For the week of October 21, 2013:
There are currently 65 journeymen on book I, 55 journeymen on book II, as well as 11 Construction Electricians available for work.
York River Electric has hired one journeyman for the staff college.
Isis Innovations has hired one journeyman for the Northwest River Annex project.
-----For the week of October 14, 2013:
There are currently 73 journeymen on book I, 71 journeymen on book II, as well as 13 Construction ELectricians available for work.
Mass Electric has hired one journeyman for the downtown tunnel.
York River Electric has hired one journeyman for the staff college.
Isis Innovations hired a foreman for the Northwest River Annex project.
Blackwater Electric hired one journeyman as a foreman to the shop.
-----For the week of October 7, 2013:
There are curently 68 journeymen on book I, 69 journeymen on book II, as well as 13 Construction Electricians available for work.
Miller Electric has hired two journeymen for Bayside hospital.
Wellington Power has hired one journeyman for the CBBT