For the week of October 27, 2014:
There are currently 23 journeymen on book I, 52 journeymen on book II, and 0 construction electrians available for work.
Chewning & Wilmer has hired 5 journeymen for BN-6, Microsoft.
Alliance Contractors has hired 4 journeymen for DCP in Chesapeake.
-----For the week of October 20, 2014:
There are currently 30 journeymen on book I, 64 journeymen on book II, and 0 Construction Electricians available for work.
Chewning & Wilmer has hired six journeymen for BN-6, Microsoft.
Chewning & Wilmer has hired 3 construction electricians and 2 construction wiremen for BN-6, Microsoft.
Alliance Contractors has hired one journeyman for the Southampton Power Station.
York River Electric has hired two journeymen for "A" school at Dam Neck.
Chewning & Wilmer has hired 5 journeymen for BN-6, Microsoft.
Chewning & Wilmer has hired 3 construction electricians and 2 construction wiremen for BN-6, Microsoft.
Chewning & Wilmer has hired 5 journeymen for night shift at BN-6, MIcrosoft.
-----For the week of October 13, 2014:
There are currently 27 journeymen on book I, 79 journeymen on book II, and 0 Construction Electricians available for work.
Blackwater has hired two journeyman.
-----For the week of October 6, 2014:
There are currently 26 journeymen on book I, 78 journeymen on book II, and 0 Construction Electricians available for work.
York River Electric has hired one journeyman for the A School project, Dam Neck.
Mass Electric has hired one journeyman for the Downtown Tunnel project.
Blackwater Electric has hired one journeyman.