For the week of February 29, 2016:
There are currently 48 journeymen on book I, 55 journeymen on book II, as well as 16 construction electricians available for work.
Mass Electric has hired 4 journeymen for the Midtown tunnel project.
For the week of February 22, 2016:
There are currently 42 journeymen on book I, 53 journeymen on book II, as well as1 6 construction electricians available for work.
York River has hired one journeyman as a foreman for the Dam Neck "A" school project.
For the week of February 15, 2016:
There are currently 55 journeymen on book I, 70 journeymen on book II, as well as 41 construction electricians available for work.
York River has hired 2 journeymen for the Dam Neck "A" school project.
Miller Electric has hired 2 journeymen for BN-2, Microsoft.
Bryant Ritter Hewitt has hired 3 journeymen for the Midtown tunnel.
York River has hired one foreman for the Dam Neck "A" School project.
York River has hired 8 journeymen for the Dam Neck "A" School project.
For the week of February 8, 2016:
There are currently 54 journeymen on book I, 67 journeymen on book II, as well as 40 construction electricians available for work.
York River has hired 2 journeymen for the Dam Neck "A" school project.
For the week of February 1, 2016:
There are currently 46 journeymen on book I, 53 journeymen on book II, as well as 32 construction electricians available for work.
Mass Electric has hired one journeyman for the Midtown Tunnel project.
Blackwater has hired one construction electrician for a shop call